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Zomato introduces New Feature ‘Contactless Dining’ for Restaurants; Post Covid-19 Lockdown

Zomato, Zomato Contactless Dining, Zomato Contactless Delivery, Order Food, Gaurav Gupta, Hygiene Measures, Zomato Gold, Lockdown, Post Covid-19 Lockdown

In recent times following social distancing as the new normal practice, online food tech delivery company Zomato has presented ‘contactless dining experience for its partnered hotels and restaurants in a post-lockdown world. Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Gaurav Gupta shared his perspectives online that the new idea limits client contact by disposing of the utilization of high-contact components at eateries. This will incorporate a contactless menu examined by means of a QR code and the request put and the digital payment done through an application. This takes out the requirement for menu cards and bill books, the two things that are frequently physically touched by visitors.

After contactless delivery to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, food tech unicorn Zomato on Friday declared “contactless dining” highlights to assist cafés with expanding trust and certainty of clients in their wellbeing and cleanliness gauges in a post-lockdown world. Contactless feasting will have three fundamental segments, contactless menu, contactless order placing and contactless payment framework, Zomato said.

With a contactless menu, coffee shops will have the option to check a QR code on the table to investigate the eatery menu with the dish and matching proposals. The Zomato application will likewise empower contactless food ordering and payments. “This wipes out the requirement for menu cards and bill books, two articles that are frequently moved by visitors, and are regularly unsanitized and might be a wellspring of concern,” Gaurav Gupta, Co-Founder, and CEO at Zomato wrote in a recent blog update. “Up until now, the holding up staff will at present need to present to you your nourishment from the kitchen, however as long as the holding up staff is wearing a veil, and adhering to the most noteworthy hand cleanliness principles, we should all be alright,” he said.

Zomato said it is building extra safety highlights on the application —, for example, the capacity to arrange different courses and the choice to pay for self or the whole table — to guarantee an issue free eating experience. “Contactless dining additionally guarantees that shoppers don’t need to hold back to put in their request or cover the tab. Along these lines, making the whole experience unquestionably progressively consistent and advantageous for the clients,” Gupta noted.

Zomato accepts that contactless feasting will accommodate a superior and bother free eating experience for clients, and furthermore improve the financial aspects of the eatery business — by cutting down labor costs, just as lessening the table turnover time. The food-tech organization is including security includes the application wherein cafés will have the option to self-report wellbeing and cleanliness quantifies that they embrace, for example, how now and again they sterilize high touchpoints, for example, tables/entryway handles and so forth., and whether they mastermind tables, in any event, one meter separated from one another.

“Prompts on the Zomato application will uncover the café’s cleanliness records to aid educated dynamic, and furthermore permit customers to report any deviations from what has been self-detailed by the eatery,” Gupta said. “We accept a proactive methodology towards wellbeing and cleanliness will go far in building certainty back in feasting out,” he included.

Recently one case reported that a food delivery boy was found COVID-19 positive – leading to 72 families in South Delhi being put under quarantined.

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