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Maharashtra Government to provide Free Health Insurance to all Citizens under MPJAY; Will Become the First State to Provide Free Cashless Insurance

Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has reported that all residents of the state will be provided a free medical coverage plot. Maharashtra will likewise turn into the principal state to give free cashless protection to every one of its residents.

Maharashtra government on Friday declared that it will give free and cashless protection assurance to all residents under its Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY) in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Talking on the event of Maharashtra Day occasion in Jalna, Maharashtra Health Minister said that 85 percent of the state’s populace was secured under the MJPJAY at present and the spread will be reached out to the remaining 15 percent.

“A significant choice was reported today on Maharashtra Day to give free medicinal services to 100 percent of the individuals in the state under Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana. Maharashtra is the main state in the nation to give free and cashless protection spread to its kin,” Tope said.

The state wellbeing pastor included that under this recipient plot, treatment for all COVID-19 patients, even those treated in private clinics will likewise be secured.

Tope educated that an update was marked to incorporate government, semi-government workers, and white ration cardholders in the plan in an offer to keep private emergency clinics from cheating patients.

“The administration has marked a Memorandum of Understanding with the General Insurance Public Sector Association (GIPSA) for treatment of COVID-19 patients at private clinics in Pune and Mumbai,” he said.

Thus, various bundles will be intended for all maladies, to normalize treatment expenses at all emergency clinics, the clergyman said.

Prior, 496 medical clinics were shrouded in the plan, yet now more than 1,000 emergency clinics will go under it, he said.

According to the Disaster Management Act and Epidemic Act, the state government has topped the charges of COVID-19 treatment at private emergency clinics, the minister said.

Medical clinics that don’t have tie-ups with the GIPSA will likewise need to normalize their treatment expenses, he included.

Maharashtra is the most exceedingly awful hit coronavirus state in India. The state has announced more than 11,000 affirmed cases and more than 480 COVID-19 passings up until now.

Tope reported this on the event of the Maharashtra Day occasion in Jalna on Friday, 1 May 2020. He said that 85 percent of the state’s populace was secured under the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY) at present and the spread will be stretched out to the staying 15 percent.

“A notice was marked to incorporate government, semi-government workers and white proportion cardholders in the plan in an offer to keep private clinics from cheating patients, he said. The administration has marked an MoU with the General Insurance Public Sector Association (GIPSA) for treatment of COVID-19 patients at private emergency clinics in Pune and Mumbai,” he said.

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