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Made In India BMM300 is the World’s only Mobile Brick Making Machine produces 300 bricks a minute

Tenth-pass brick kiln owner from a hamlet in Sonipat has revolutionised the brick-making process in India.

By developing a machine that is as profitable as 120 workers, Satish hailing from Ladrawan town has made a colossal commitment to the development business. This 42-year-old has even got the machine patented at this point.

Satish considered making this machine in the year 2007 when he was annoyed because of his workers’ unexplained non-attendance at his brick kiln. “They didn’t appear for work notwithstanding taking compensation. BMM 150, the machine can make 150 blocks in a moment and around 40,000 bricks in one day,” he shares.

While another model BMM-300 can make 300 brick in only 60 seconds and 85,000 bticks in a day. “With the assistance of this machine, we have possessed the capacity to beat the issue of lack of labor in the zone,” Satish shares.

The parts of machine are acquired from Germany and Italy. Up until this point, Satish has got 25 such machines produced. The machine is not just sought after in Haryana, UP, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Karnataka however has likewise picked up fame in Nepal.

Pravesh, a designer who helped Satish in assembling the machine shares, “Satish had contributed every one of his investment funds and tribal resources in assembling the machine. Also, in 2013, he was at last ready to fabricate three machines. Individuals even began calling us frantic as we were so required in assembling the machine. In any case, in the wake of seeing the outcome, similar individuals have begun appreciating our work.”

Haryana Chief Minister has likewise approached to his assistance by offering him money related guide to grow his venture to the next level.

The new innovation is achieving destitution stricken regions of India not by the speculation of multinational organizations but rather by the activity of nearby designers and visionaries. This home created innovation has revolutionize the brickmaking in India.

This licensed machine is equipped for delivering 300 blocks in not more than seconds that is more than 85,000 blocks in a day. The possibility of brick making emerges with an irregular occasion occurs at the brick kiln.

One day the proprietor of the brick kiln saw that no specialist has come to work even they all have gotten pay rates, so he chose to make a gadget that will robotize the entire generation prepare.

Instantly after the presentation of this machine, it got so prevalent that 25 of such machines were immediately created and provided to various conditions of India and to the extent neighboring nations like Nepal.

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