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Made-in-Chennai Tiffin Box becomes a hit in the United States, Chennai based former Apple Techie designs Smart Lunchbox

Vaya Life needs to restore unremarkable home items like the lunch box with incredible plan and social style.

Keep in mind the stainless steel dabba that your mom fastidiously pressed when you were in school? Furthermore, how you would hold up the entire morning until the lunch ringer, and afterward scramble to unclasp the crate to perceive what was inside? Today, eating a bit of very much fricasseed wiener, a tart lime pickle, and feathery stuffed parantha out of a lunch box can right away take us back to class days, of wilderness recreation centers and ink-mottled outfits. The tiffin box has, from various perspectives, molded our states of mind towards nourishment, and conveyed the memory and love of our moms.

Presently, in Chennai, where “tiffin” conveys a specific feeling, a startup is carrying back the assessments related with a lunch box. It is changing the way food is packed and delivery outside the nation, with the stylish plans and social moorings of India. As of now, the organization offers 10,000 units of lunch boxes, and is becoming very familiar and popular in united states for a design made and registered in Chennai.

Furthermore, much the same as the ones from your school days, these boxes aren’t made of plastic, however worked from stainless steel, with a copper complete to the nourishment compartments.

Vashist Vasanthakumar, a 32-year-old business visionary who left the high life in the US to discover significance in Indian plan, never had it simple in India. Individuals ridiculed him for needing to make lunch boxes. Some even thought he was distraught on the grounds that he exited Apple Inc after right around 10 years at the organization. Be that as it may, he has demonstrated everybody wrong in the course of the most recent year or thereabouts.

“India needs awesome items and outline. Why wouldn’t we be able to companies and brands items like Nike or Toyota? So my point was to begin with practical things that Indians use once a day and join trying components into them,” says Vashist, Founder of Vaya Life.

Vashist Vasanthakumar, Founder, Vaya Life.


His associates from India concur with the way that all the more should be made in the nation. “It is extraordinary to see brands planned in India. The IP stays in this nation and it features our quality in outline and building,” says Mahesh Lingareddy, Founder of Smartron.

As far back as the organization took off in mid-2016, Vaya Life’s attempt was to implant freshness into every day home items, whose esteem and even usefulness brought a hit with globalization, with the market getting overflowed with shoddy plastic items from China and somewhere else. Vaya has patched up the tiffin enclose to a shrewd item with reasonable plan to affect the day by day lives of clients. The organization has drawn on skill from experts based out of Germany, Japan, the US and India to fabricate the tiffin box.

The “Tiffin” boxes have been offering 10,000 units a month throughout the previous six months. Vaya has made a guide to achieve Rs 400 crore in incomes by 2020. Here is the manner by which it will do it.

Vashist come back from the US in mid 2016, yet he was at that point chipping away at businesses that could become showbiz royalty in India. He took a gander at everything, including cutlery, before he focused in on the tiffin box.

In his past symbol, he was one of the most youthful chiefs at Apple, iPhone Operations. At the organization, he learnt about the immaculate inventory network elements of the cell phone producer and, likewise the thorough plan prepare that he would need to take after on the off chance that he at any point chosen to fire up all alone. “Apple made me understand that I could plan things in India but supply items for the world,” says Vashist.

He then come back to India and raised about Rs 35 crore from loved ones.

Specialists praise endeavors of business visionaries like Vashist. “There is an entire development of brands that can become wildly successful India, from the FMCG class to modern plan. It is awesome to see youthful business people begin this development,” says Harminder Sahni, Founder of Wazir Advisors, a retail counsel.

Vaya Life taken a gander at all the real issues with the present lunch confines the market—awful outline and absence of usefulness—and surrounded an answer. The organization burned through six months on the planning phase and prototyped more than 20 unique models utilizing 3D printing and other metal prototyping apparatuses to comprehend feel, fit and capacity of the item. When it had a model it loved, the organization made an assembling procedure that could make the T-1000s at a similar quality. They ran into a few barriers, which they immediately arranged.

“We took a stab at outsourcing a few segments and it never met our quality necessities. At last, we chose that the most ideal approach to control quality and improve in various assembling procedures was to get everything house, with cutting edge assembling, mechanization and review gear,” says Vashist. The organization has the ability to make 1,000 lunch boxes every day, and has an agreement running with a producer in China. The item is planned in India and produced for the world.

The organization offers the lunch boxes on its site and on online business locales, for example, Amazon. They may do a direct-to-retailer technique in India however won’t work with an appropriation biological system which destroys the edges. Says Vashist,

This year the organization arrangements to make distinctive variations of the 1,000ml and 600ml lunch/tiffin boxes to speak to kids, corporates and other particular client gatherings, including CEOs and administrators. They are likewise going to emphasize some item thoughts, including making the item microwaveable without utilizing plastic. This would be for clients who eat following 6-7 hours subsequent to pressing. They are making a large group of frill including a progressive protected jug/tumbler to make an extraordinary supper encounter.

The organization’s modern outline group is based out of Tokyo, while building, operations, advertising, client care and deals groups are based out of Chennai. Be that as it may, the item started to offer well in the US, Malaysia and Singapore and the organization is extending operations in those areas.

The Vaya Tyffyn is presently accessible as a 3-compartment vacuum-protected lunch box, with a limit of 1,000ml. It is estimated at Rs 2,999 and is accessible in three variants–Graphite, Maple and Wool. The organization is likewise wanting to take off 600ml ‘Tyffyn’. “The item is intended to keep nourishment hot even following six hours of pressing, which implies, at lunchtime, clients are certain to make the most of their dinner, hot and new,” says Vashist.

So the founder of this comapany is working very hard and fast to make India proud all across the world, and what preferable path over to begin with something that helps us to remember our moms—the mouth watering tiffin box.

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